Friday, November 25, 2011

Settling In? Say What??

Not too long ago the words "settling down" or "settling in" used to give me butterflies in my stomach. No part of me wanted to settle down anywhere. I was ready to SEE THE WORLD, embrace new things, meet new people and impact new cultures. Even though I have basically been doing those things since I graduated from High School still no part of me wanted to stop.

Let me first just explain to you this, I TOOK SO MUCH PRIDE in the fact that I owned so little. Anytime I wanted to move I could do so easily by packing my little car full and hitting the road. I loved it! So far I lived in all furnished places so I never had any need of buying any furniture. Well, the last apartment I lived in the whole thing was furnished except the fact I needed to buy a bed. Can I just tell you, as I was driving away from the mattress store with the new mattress in the back of my friend's truck. I suddenly realize..."Oh my sweet Lord... I now own a mattress. I can no longer just pack everything I own in my car. I'm stuck!" You might think I am crazy but I am being totally for real right now. Well I later verbalized my thought and my friend pretty much told me I was retarded and that it was just a cheap mattress if I wanted to leave without it was no big deal. That helped and so I continued with my feeling of freedom and with no obligation.

Slowly over the last year I could literally feel God start changing my heart and giving me a desire to "Settle down." Even then at times "AHHHH!" would pass through my thoughts. For whatever reason settling down was a scary idea to me. However, I can officially say with complete honesty I want to "Settle in!" It's crazy I know.

In march I will be looking for a house to rent in Arkansas. I even went and looked at furniture today and had no feelings of freaking out but just of excitement. Also, in January I start the Pre-Med program. YES that means I'm gonna be a doctor!! :-D The only thing that's between me and being a doctor is just a tad bit of school ha. Ok maybe a little more than a tad... 7 years of school to be exact. 3 years for Pre-Med and 4 years for Medical School. This might sound insane since I haven't spent more than 2 years in any place within my adult life let alone spend 7 just in school. I'm so ready for it though! It's so weird but I am so happy and excited that I will be right here for a LONG time. I will be specializing in Emergency Medicine so that I'm able to do medical clinics/disaster relief stateside and overseas. And yes, though I probably will keep my HOME here in Arkansas, after school is over I'll definitely be getting my travel on. I always believed there was a reason I like going new places... perhaps because that's what I'm made for. However, I've learned that to successfully travel and make an impact in the world a strong foundation and a solid home base is crucial. ;-)

Well I could go on about how excited I am about my new days coming up but I don't want to bore you. Have a nice night!

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